Developer, 3D Generalist.

Hello, I'm Adam Bajgar, a developer and 3D generalist. I've gained experience through self-developed and released video games, personal projects, online freelancing, and an internship.

This website will introduce you to my projects and skills.

C#, Unity

I began my development journey in Unity, and C# was the first programming language with which I gained practical experience. After modding Source games, I started with 3D work and modding various games and platforms that had a Unity plugin and later began developing my own small games.

Once I honed my skills, I started working on my own Steam games. The first was Desktop Pals, a game that uses the Windows API with Unity to create desktop companions that users can collect. The second game is The Impostor, a social game where players try to distinguish responses from the OpenAI API from those of other players.

I am happy to share code samples from my projects if needed.

C++, Unreal Engine 4 + 5

Although I chose Unity for my long-term development due to its high flexibility, I also have experience with development in UE4 and UE5 using C++ (which I have also used in other projects). In these engines, I worked on several experimental games during my internship at Xlab Realtime.

Thanks to these experiences, I have gained a strong foundation in writing C++ and working with Unreal Engine Blueprint. I am capable of transferring these skills to other in-house game engines, which are often architecturally closer to Unreal Engine than to Unity.

Other Projects

While my work has primarily revolved around game development, I have also focused on developing skills in other technological fields, such as 3D printing, 3D modelling, and more. In addition to C# and C++, my study in IB HL Computer Science has provided me with a foundation in Java and Python.

Among my projects is the OpenController Mini, an open-source game controller I designed and programmed. It utilizes an Arduino microcontroller with C++ for functionality and Python for connectivity and interface. It is equipped with a casing printed on a 3D printer.

Additionally, I have worked on VR experiences for clients like People in Need, experimented with mobile app development, and created models through photogrammetry and short animations.

Education & Certification

I am happy to share any of the certifications with you for confirmation.

The English College In Prague (IB Diploma)

SAT Score - 1430 (85 Percentile)

Cambridge English Certification - C2 Fluent

IGCSE Mathematics - A

Internship XLAB Realtime (UE5, Blender, Jul-Aug 2022)

Fiverr Pro Certification - Game Development

UI Design Course Bootcamp

UE5 C++ Course Bootcamp

Complete Python Course Bootcamp

Other Interests


Science Fiction





Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu



I believe in the power of technology and its importance for our future. I want to continue enriching my technical knowledge and experience in all possible areas and learn from interesting people. I want to create things that are important to me and others.


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